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I have been in the software development industry for 3 years. Expert in microservice architecture using ReactJS/NextJS & ExpressJS. My experiences also includes working with Python's Django Rest Framework, Firebase, RDBMS such as PostgreSQL, MySQL etc.
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Event Management System with Client Satisfaction Forecasting. Allows client event reservations, schedule meetings, cater client inquiries thru real-time chat, event satisfaction ratings and forecast client event satisfaction.
Certificate Template Editor. Inspired from canva, enables school clients mainly to create templates for their certificates. It also allows its users to import documents like excel files etc.
Real Estate Automation System. Automated the whole real estate process of an agent/broker and buyer. Reservations, submission of documents (BIS, RA, Termsheet etc.), view available, sold, on hold lots/units in its map.
E-commerce Website. Shopify site, which allows its users to do all of an e-commerce website features. The difference with Ape Beverages is its limited edition product Ape Water.
Web3 NFT Minting Application Connected with Ape Beverages/Water, it allows its users to mint the NFT passes inside of the site with the integration of different web3 technologies.
Real Estate Posting System. Advertising of for rent or for sale properties, addition of mortgages, recording of inquiries etc.
Soil Moisture Tracking System Integration of arduino to detect soil moisture and a microservice architectured web application.
Case Record Management System. Built mobile & web application for recording criminal/civil cases, hearing schedules, sending of email, real-time notificaitons etc.